jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

The Elise Tee

Aquesta costura m'ha agradat mes. La tela fineta, però més agraïda que la que vaig fer servir per la Sculpture... És una lycra molt fineta i fresqueta que vaig afiançar-me a La Casa del Retall en la meva última visita..., o penúltima, quan ja me n'anava sense res i vaig fer un cop d'ull al mostrador final...
Perquè ho faig això? Us passa igual? Anar a buscar alguna tela en concret, no trobar-la, i acabar agafant-ne una qualsevol, per fer no saps ben bè el que...
Em va passar pel cap fer-me'n un vestit, per això vaig agafar 2 metres, pero al anar a tallar el patró, em va semblar que era massa fineta i transparentaria... Doncs resulta que no... Bè, al final ha acabat sent una camiseta...
El patró es de descàrrega gratuïta, The Elise Tee,  de Fine motor skills. Anava fins la L, i jo, desconfiada vaig afegir-hi 1 cm mes... total, que l'he d'entrar una miqueta o posar-me um cinturó finet perquè no sembli un sac de patates.
Resulta molt còmode i sobretot fresqueta... Al acabar-la vaig pensar, i l'escot on és? Sembla que no hi sigui però a la que m'acoto ensenyo el melic i tot, jajajaja
I amb aquesta vaig a Rums a veure què s'hi cou avui!!!!
Feliç dijous!!!
Hi there! I enjoyed much more this sewing project. It's also done with a very thin lycra cloth, but it has nothing to do with the previous one. I took it in Ribes&Casals, in my penultimate visit, when I has already decided to go out not having purchades anything, I saw this in the last moment and took 2 meters, thinking of doing a dress with it.
Then I think... why the hell I do so? Taking whatever sort of nice cloth, even if it's not what you're looking for, when I went for some concret idea and I don't find it.Do you do so?

For a moment I thought about making a dress with it, but it's such a thin cloth that it would have some transparencies... so it has finished in a t-shirt.
It's the free pattern of Fine motor skills, The Elise Tee. It's the L size, but I was not so confident on it and added 1-2 centimeters to each side... so that now I must narrow it a little bit, or use it with a little belt.
It's really comfortable wearing it and the cloth it's a really fresh one. When I finished it I thought, and where is the wide neckline? But really,  I must take care of any imprudent movements in order to preserve my tummy! 
With it I participate in Rums, and now I go to gossip there a little bit!
See you soon!

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