martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Tetaant o el que és el mateix: ESTIMANT

Si, aquest és l'estat en que he estat mes temps en els darrers 28 mesos. I m'agrada, m'ha agradat i m'agradarà mentre la meva patufeta vulgui i ho necessiti.
No soc l'única veig i per això us deixo un enllaç prou interessant d'una altra mare en lactància materna prolongada:
La meva experiència amb l'alletament és força bona, a banda del mal i inici de clivelles al començament he fet 2 o 3 mastitis, i nomès la 1a va ser prou fumuda amb febre i tot. He de dir però per si a algu li serveix, que cap als 2 mesos de donar pit em van agafar unes picors horribles per tot arreu. Vaig visitarme d'urgències i em van dit que era fruit dels nervis i meva predisposició en tenir pell atòpica... Despres, molt despres vaig saber que era a causa de donar el pit, qie provocava una mena de deshidratació, causant de les meves picors.
A banda d'això, agraeixo a l'Abril que m'hagi permès fins ara donar-li pit, i amb aquest fet, tot l'amor i carinyo que així li puc demostrar i que d'altra manera potser no sabria.
Yesss, in this status have I been the last 28 months. And I enjoy it, I enjoyed it from the first moment, and I will enjoy it as long as Abril wants and needs it.
I realize that I’m not the only one, and for this reason I link you to a quite interesting blog that belongs to a mum in prolonged nursing:

My nursing experience has been quite good until now; apart from the first days, and cracks starting on my breasts, I’ve only had 2 or 3 mastitis, and only one of these ones was a really hard one, which even included fever. I must explain you that at about 2 months of nursing my princess, every piece of my skin started to itch, wherever, all along me itched... I visited the urgency doctor, and he told me that it was the result of a nervous process, for the pressure that I felt for my daughter birth.., moreover I was supposed to have some kind of predisposition to this type of problems, as long as I’ve atopic skin. Later on, quite later indeed, I knew that’s a normal situation for nursing mums, having a severe dehydration at about 2 months from the beginning.
Leaving this matter aside, I’m really grateful with Abril, who’ve admitted me nursing her, and with this act, demonstrating her all my love and affection, which maybe I wouldn’t know how to give her in another way.

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